Saturday, October 20, 2018

Russian Nuclear Threat- The 100 Megaton Status-6 Torpedo

by MHM
20 October 2018

  Recent Russian TV news has shown the warhead for the Status-6 torpedo, which state media has reported to have a yield of 100 megatons. This should come as no surprise, since the Soviet nuclear test of 30 October 1961 yielded 50 megatons. Declassified US statements show that the device used a lead instead of uranium jacket, which would have pushed the yield to 100 megatons (Restricted Data Declassification Decision, p. 95). While the US fielded high yield weapons for several decades, the highest yield weapon was about 25 megatons (declassified from RDD-8, p. 95). That system was retired by the time I entered the USAF nuclear weapons field in 1980.
  While such a weapon is largely impractical as an implement of deterrence, it’s more of a “doomsday” device (given the Soviet and Russian propensity for mass murder).

Russian 100 megaton warhead for the Status-6 torpedo (Russia Today)

  So, how would the Russians reproduce the RDS-220 physics package, used in the “Tsar Bomba”? Little modification to the physics package would be required, since it’s a proven design. While it could be improved for nuclear efficiency, there’s little evidence the Russians have attempted to modify it with modern “safety features". With a uranium 235 primary, there is very little concern over contamination hazards in the event of a one point detonation/shipboard accident. Modifications to the fusing and arming system using modern electronics could be easily accomplished. Maintenance of the warhead at a specific interval would be problematic due to its weight, and the need to return the weapon to a maintenance facility.
  During the Cold War, the Soviets tested high yield thermonuclears in air drops during 1961 and 1962-


23 Oct 1961- 12.5 megatons
30 Oct 1961- 50 Mt
5 Aug 1962- 21 Mt
25 Aug 62-10 Mt
19 Sept 62- 10 Mt
25 Sept 62- 19 Mt
27 Sept 62- 20 Mt
24 Dec 62- 24 Mt

  To date, no new video or photos have been released showing these devices. The only large TN weapon unveiled, other than RV's for ICBM's, has been the RDS-220 Tsar Bomba.
  It should be noted that US yield analysis of weapon yields may have been as much as 20 percent too low. Therefore, the 15 megaton Castle Bravo shot of 1 May 1954 may have been as high as 18 megatons. 
  By 1957, the USSR stockpiled a few megaton range bombs for strategic bombers and the SS-6 ICBM, and within years proceeded to deploy high yield warheads on the SS-9 and SS-18 ICBM’s. Some US estimates gave yields on the order of 20 to 50 megatons for the latter. Some sources indicate that while large yield warheads have been retired from remaining SS-18’s, the new RS-38 “Sarmat” is very well capable of delivering a 50 megaton warhead.  
  What then, are survival practitioners to do when faced with such a threat? First, one should study up on the construction of hardened fallout shelters, and possibly locate a sturdy underground shelter (hell, even an old mine would suffice) if your finances don’t allow construction. Secondly, the fallout from a 100 megaton surface or subsurface burst could be considerable, reaching hundreds of miles inland from coastal targets.

Results of a 100 megaton surface burst near San Francisco, with resultant fallout. Outer band denotes 1 rem/hr dose rate.

  The specifics of a 100 megaton surface burst, derived from an online nuclear weapons effects calculator-

Fireball duration- 100 seconds

Radius of fireball (surface burst)- 6.8 miles
3rd degree burns- 176 miles
2nd degree burns- 218 miles
1st degree burns- 279 miles
2 psi blast (70 mph)- 50 miles
1 psi blast (35 mph)- 83 miles

(Note- this data differs from the 1977 circular nuclear bomb effects computer).


28 February 1954 Castle Bravo shot, 15 megatons (duration 119 seconds).

Aerial view of Bravo shot and initial fireball-


Old School Survival (OSS)
20 October 2018




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